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Enjoyable Games
Enjoyable Games

Here are some games I really enjoy playing. The first game I'd like to mention is called: Through the Door. One person is the director. Everyone else goes behind a wall or door where the director cannot see them. Then, the director shouts out a word, like "duck" and the first person in line behind the wall/door must act like a duck. The director chooses whether or not they think that the "actor" should be hired/fired. Separate them into 2 groups. When everyone has been hired or fired, the hired have a chance to be director. The director then chooses one and the director becomes an actor. The game starts over. The next game is Museum. One person is the security guard. Everyone else is a statue. When the guard says, "Museum closed", everyone goes crazy. When they say, "Museum open", they must freeze in a position. The museum guard then walks around, looking at each of the statues to make sure they're not moving. If the statue wants to move, they can do it when he's not looking, but if the guard spots them, they are out. This continues on until everyone but 1 of the statues is out or you can go for a certain amount of turns. Another personal favorite is Statuemaker. This game is kind of like Museum. One person becomes the statue seller when another person becomes the statue buyer. Everyone else is a statue. When the seller says, "Go crazy", the statues go crazy. Eventually, the seller must say, "stop"; at which time, the statues then stop. The buyer goes around and picks up to 5 different statues it may want to buy. The buyer goes up to a statue and touches them. When a statue is touched, the statue must then do a dance move or something in order to get the buyer to buy them. When the buyer touches them again, they stop. This continues on until about 5 people are chosen (if there are less than 5 people as statues, just touch all of them). Then, the buyer must pick the best one. The statue they pick becomes the seller, the seller becomes the buyer, and the buyer becomes a statue.

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